Sharing for boosting innovation

The objective we set for ourselves when we started 15 years ago was to develop open-source modeling tech, to better broadcast them to the application architect community.

At the heart of our strategy of sharing knowledge to further community goals and objectives, open source has always been the key element to it all, having a strong conviction in the values of sharing knowledge. And that’s why we chose a radical option by going even further. Instead of simply sharing the source code of our technology, we also share our know-how. This makes our technology more accessible and allows our worldwide community an easier understanding of our solutions, and how to adapt them to their needs. We’ve also put out pedagogical resources such as tutorials, documentation, experiences, best tips…

Some would retorque that we risk having our know-how copied or stolen. But I reply that we’re fully aware of the risk we took, and are willing to make the bet that au contraire it is an accelerator of knowledge. I would like to take advantage of this post and thank all of our partners and users that have the same will to share and that actively participate in the creation of these resources.

Because of the ongoing worldwide spread pandemic going on, it has made face-to-face meetings impossible. Thankfully the strategy we employed has been fruitful because we have seen a very strong increase in access to our public resources and the number of participants during the virtual events we co-organize. And we can also feel a real enthusiasm for Capella: flexible and complete software, adopted in a plethora of different industrial domains that formalizes complex system specifics and to master their architecture.

I am often told that for years it has been well known that Model-Based-Systems-Engineering (MBSE) was going to be the next logical step in gaining efficiency in the system architecture phases, but there weren't any guides allowing a real and progressive use. Well no longer, testifies this impressive chart, that shows over 400 different organizations declaring using Capella.*

This achievement only emboldens our determination to share. So we’re going to keep on making content that will help you, and will accompany you in your roadmap with Capella. These efforts are, of course, based on the Capella ecosystem: users willing to share their feedback, experts explaining their vision and methods, and add-on suppliers presenting their solutions. We give these participants, members of the Capella community a platform to talk, through events such as Capella Webinars ( 9 were done in 2020 ) or the Capella Days (11 talks in September).

And most recently, we have organized the annual conference CSD&M Paris with CESAM COMMUNITY

Mastering complex engineering systems is a fundamental strategic challenge, and if you want to learn more on the subject, CSD&M is an essential conference. It is historically known as an event where you can share opinions and meet users and suppliers.

As sponsor but also a participant at this event, we had the opportunity to present two highlights on the 16th and 17th December:

  • December 16th at 11:30 We presented “Mind the Gap: ALM & MBSE”: Requirement engineering and system engineering are two pillars for capturing the user's needs. You’re cordially invited to watch the two recordings of this talk to better understand how to manage these two activities in an integrated process.
  • December 17th at 11:30 during this Coffee Session “Agility & MBSE by Obeo”: Our main objective was discussing with you the best way to gain efficiency by bringing a more agile approach to your teams and organization. This exchange permitted to put a light on the utility of “Functional Chains” for organizing an agile engineering system project, and how the transitions from systems to subsystems allow to upscale them to bigger teams.

We weren’t the only ones who presented talks demonstrating the various uses of Capella during CSD&M Paris:

You can access the recordings of our talk, Mind the Gap: ALM & MBSE here! (and the slides that go with it here)

This year, CSD&M provided more than a few innovations that truly made it a friendly and convivial conference. The participants were able to enjoy a multitude of different exchanges:

  • Open discussion in the lobby
  • Questions in the chat areas
  • Direct exchanges during the coffee sessions
  • A speed networking system that connected two random participants who shared the same interests during the event.
  • You can organize one-to-one with representants at virtual stands, which can be done through the platform

We wanted to thank CESAM COMMUNITY for organizing the 11th edition, and their display of ingenuity in these rather grim times for events. It was a pleasure for us to bring our support through our sponsoring and active participation.

But CSD&M Paris was not the only moment to learn more about Capella, if you want to talk to us about the Capella Tool, no need to wait! Register and participate in the upcoming webinars that we co-organize and ask away! Or you could simply send us a message on the Capella Social Media accounts that we co-administrate.

*Number of organizations with a member that declares using Capella (Public testimony, declaration during an event, exchange with Obeo or one of our partners).

Sirius Web Behind the Scene #1
Le partage comme accélérateur d'innovation

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