CEO of Obeo

I started as a software engineer with a hint of academia through a master degree. I got involved in open-source projects quite early through contributions to KDE or the Linux Kernel, I then joined the Eclipse community and I am leading couples of projects there (EcoreTools, Amalgamation) and I am a member of the Architecture Council. The itch I keep scratching is 'How can we make better and open tools, faster?' and that led me to domain specific modeling practices and technologies. I like to share my findings through conferences and happened to co-author a number of articles and research papers.

Les Chroniques d'Obeo, Automne 2020

Je n’arrive pas à croire que nous sommes déjà au quatrième trimestre. J’ai tellement de nouvelles à partager avec vous ! Eclipse Sirius, Plateforme Cloud Obeo et Sirius Web : Cet été, nous avons eu le plaisir d’organiser SiriusCon. Cet événement annuel est l’occasion pour la communauté de modélisation de partager son expérience, et pour l’équipe de développement de fournir une visibilité sur ce qu...

Let's Do It! Obeo loves The SeaCleaners

I am deeply convinced a company is not only an economical actor. It has a much wider responsibility as any decision also has social, environmental or even political implications. Looking at our environment state, its recent evolution and how it is forecasted to evolve indeed the task in front of us is huge. It would be easy to dismiss this as a problem our governments and big organizations should ...

The Rising Adoption of Capella

Witnessing an OSS technology getting together with a wide group of users is something I find exhilarating, I have experienced it with Acceleo, EMF Compare and Eclipse Sirius along the years, each time in different contexts and at different scales but discovering what is being done by others with a technology is always a source of excitement to me. Capella was contributed by Thales to the Eclipse c...

L'Adoption Croissante de Capella

Assister à l’adoption d’une technologie OSS par un large groupe d’utilisateurs est quelque chose que je trouve exaltant. J’ai vécu cela avec Acceleo, EMF Compare et Eclipse Sirius au fil des ans, chaque fois dans des contextes différents et à des échelles différentes, mais découvrir ce que d’autres font avec une technologie est toujours une source d’excitation pour moi. [Capella](https://mbse-cape...

⦏Eclipse Sirius⦎ SiriusCon 2018 is SiriusCon Live!

Each year November and December months are what I would call “very busy months”, but each year I have this event I know will be awesome which is SiriusCon. Eclipse Sirius is a technology used to create modeling environments using graphical modelers, tables, trees or form editors. This technology is an enabler to capture your expertise, your methodology and then share it within your organization or...

Siemens partnering with Obeo on Model Based Systems Engineering solution - a major recognition for OSS Modeling Techs

You might have already heard the news, earlier this week during Siemens PLM Connection Americas 2018 , Joe Bohman announced that Siemens PLM was partnering with Obeo. Here is the complete press release for more detail but in short: we are working with Siemens with either standard modeling languages, Capella, SysML or tools to support custom process methodologies in order to contribute to the true ...

Siemens partnering with Obeo on Model Based Systems Engineering solution - a major recognition for OSS Modeling Techs

You might have already heard the news, earlier this week during Siemens PLM Connection Americas 2018 , Joe Bohman announced that Siemens PLM was partnering with Obeo. Here is the complete press release for more detail but in short: we are working with Siemens with either standard modeling languages, Capella, SysML or tools to support custom process methodologies in order to contribute to the true ...