Using Sirius Web to develop a VSCode extension for an existing DSL

I had the pleasure to participate to EclipseCon 2022 last October, near Stuttgart in Germany. It was a great conference and the opportunity to meet with the Eclipse community. I was there with several other members of the Obeo team to share our work on Sirius Web . I had the chance to be part of the program, with Benoît Lelandais from the CEA DAM (Military Applications Division of the French Nucle...

Sirius Web 101: Create a Modeler With No Code

Last June, during SiriusCon 2022, I presented a talk to explain the basics of Sirius Web . My objective was to show what kind of graphical modeling tool you can create with Sirius Web, without writing a single line of code. Unlike a diagramming tool that only allows users to create drawings, a modeling tool also manages the data that is graphically represented, ensuring a bi-directional correspond...

Meet Sirius in the browser

This post is for you if you want to build web-based graphical modeling tools. Eclipse Sirius is an open-source project to create domain-specific modeling workbenches. At this point, if you are not aware of “modeling and domain-specific blablabla”, you might wonder “ What does it mean and why should I care? ”. Give semantics to your drawing… That is simple, you have data (and I am pretty sure you h...

Happy New 2022.01.0!

I know… I am late for a happy new year but I am not for a Happy New 2022.01.0 ! I’m in a dancing mood while I’m writing this… (and poor you) an idea comes to my mind: “ Why not associate a song to each new feature? ” It could be funny and it’ll result in a (terrible) soundtrack to play with this new version. Follow me for a musical ride through the new Sirius Web and OCP features! Calendar version...

Integrating Sirius Web in a Cloud IDE

Last year, we have presented the first version of Sirius Web , the cloud-based evolution of Eclipse Sirius, during EclipseCon Europe 2020 . With Sirius Web, you can easily build your modeling workbench and deploy it in the cloud. With this new edition of EclipseCon Europe, it’s time for us to share with you what we’ve been working on for the past few months. Among the best new features available w...

Alice’s adventures in Sirius Web Land

Since my early childhood I have loved stories, listening to books read by my mum, then reading by myself comics or classical literature for school and now, as I dedicate not so much time to reading, mostly blog posts and news on the internet. One of my favorite novels remains “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”. A young girl named Alice falls through a rabbit hole into a fantastic world of weird cr...

SiriusCon 2021: Cloud, Cloud, and... Cloud

From the 15th to the 17th of June, we are organizing the 6th edition of SiriusCon , the annual conference dedicated to Eclipse Sirius , the open-source graphical modeling solution. For the third time in a row, it will be held online. On the program, among the very different topics that will be presented this year, the Cloud is unmissable! It will be addressed in two main axes. First, as a use-case...