Eco-conception de systèmes complexes : l'intérêt d'intégrer ACV et Ingénierie Système

Les 5 et 6 juin a eu lieu à Nantes le festival Et Demain? au cours duquel j’ai eu la chance et l’immense plaisir d’intervenir. Ce festival organisé par La Cantine Numérique de Nantes (à l’origine des célèbres Web2Day ) se voulait un évènement pour les “ professionnels·es qui souhaitent faire évoluer leurs pratiques, leurs métiers, leurs façon de communiquer et de travailler pour façonner un futur ...

Eco-design of Complex Systems: The Importance of Integrating LCA and Systems Engineering

On June 5th and 6th, the festival Et Demain?  (And Tomorrow?) took place in Nantes, where I had the great pleasure and honor to participate. This festival, organized by La Cantine Numérique  in Nantes (known for the famous Web2Day ), aimed to be an event for " professionals looking to evolve their practices, their professions, their ways of communicating, and working to shape a sustainable future....

Modeling Verification & Validation requirements in Capella using Assurance Cases

In the safety critical systems industry, the adoption of Machine Learning (ML) remains slow due to the lack of trust and regulation. As part of the  program, the Institute for Technological Research (IRT) SystemX and its partners (ONERA, IRT Saint Exupéry, Thales AVS) seek to address this issue by supporting all the development phases of systems involving Artificial Intelligence (AI) ...

Industrializing a Capella Add-on for Rolls-Royce

Safety Viewpoint development Rolls-Royce develops and delivers complex power and propulsion solutions for safety-critical applications in the air, at sea and on land, including the world’s most efficient large aero-engine, the Trent XWB. The global Rolls-Royce team is pushing innovation like never before. The UltraFan™ is a new generation of engine to power short-haul and long-haul aircraft. The U...

Capella Community Survey 2022

In 2020, we conducted a survey among the Capella community to gain insights into the usage of the workbench and the expectations surrounding Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE). The results of this survey were published in a previous article . At the end of 2022, we conducted a follow-up study with a new set of questions. We received twice as many responses compared to 2020, with a total of 104...

Le monde entier dépend d'une société qui utilise la technologie Obeo

Le saviez-vous ? Le monde entier dépend d’une seule société. Et celle-ci utilise des technologies développées par Obeo. Cette société est ASML , la seule au monde à maîtriser la technologie d’impression des circuits électroniques miniatures. Ceux qui équipent la plupart de nos équipements modernes : téléphones, voitures, datacenters, etc. ASML fournit tous les plus grands fournisseurs de semi-cond...

The whole world depends on a company that uses Obeo technology

Did you know? The whole world depends on one company. And it uses technologies developed by Obeo. This company is ASML , the only one in the world to master the technology of printing miniature electronic circuits. Those that equip most of our modern equipment: telephones, cars, data centers, etc. ASML supplies all the major semiconductor suppliers in the world, starting with Samsung and Intel. Ea...