Let's Do It! Obeo loves The SeaCleaners

I am deeply convinced a company is not only an economical actor. It has a much wider responsibility as any decision also has social, environmental or even political implications.

Looking at our environment state, its recent evolution and how it is forecasted to evolve indeed the task in front of us is huge. It would be easy to dismiss this as a problem our governments and big organizations should step up to, and indeed those in power have the responsibility, the ability and leverage to act and maybe bend those charts.

But I have a motto to “Focus on what you can control, then you can act” and so do I.

Obeo participates and hosts quite a few events each year and we are often struck by the nonsensical nature of the “goodies” industry and what global model they promote: built at the cheapest price, moved across the globe, distributed at the event and then pretty quickly to the bin.

Starting now, you won’t get any more goodies from us at conferences or events, but instead we will gladly discuss how we try to do our part, as a company, in this global challenge.


In relation to this initiative to stop producing waste we do not deem necessary: Obeo is partnering with The SeaCleaners organization to reduce plastic waste. The SeaCleaners is building a giant multihull boat designed to retrieve the plastic waste in the Ocean: The MANTA. The organization vision is that the preservation of the oceans is a global, long-term and worldwide matter that integrates economic, social, human, educational and scientific perspectives. They do that in a dynamic and solidarity-based project. You can learn more about this initiative on Obeo’s website.

The "Manta"


Furthermore, all the designs and blueprints of the Manta boat will be Open-Source and that enable enhancements and duplication at a global scale, a principle clearly aligned with our values and what we do within the Eclipse community.

The "Manta" boat technical data


That being said, it is just one step on a very specific part of our activity, but a step starting a journey with more to do to improve the way Obeo operates regarding its environmental responsibility. When you start building awareness of our impact on all the ins and outs of what we do, you realize even a non-industrial, software company can contribute.

Obeo Cloud Platform
L'Adoption Croissante de Capella

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