Look Back: Sirius Desktop Improvements You May Have Missed

A new maintenance revision of Sirius Desktop (version 7.4.3 ), has been released recently. It’s the opportunity for me to recap the new features and improvements we have brought to Sirius Desktop since version 7.1.   Advanced Color Setting Since : 7.4.0 A new color selection popup dialog has been defined to choose the color(label, fill and line) to use for the selected element. This popup dialog i...

Advancing Web-Based Modeling Tools with Sirius Web: An Illustration with SysON

Introducing Our Latest Innovations in Modeling: Eclipse Sirius & SysON. This week, I presented at the Models 2024 conference in Linz (Austria) as part of the Industry Day, where I introduced two of our Open-Source initiatives: Sirius Web , part of the Eclipse Sirius project, and Eclipse SysON , a SysMLv2 modeling tool built on Sirius. During the session, I outlined several important aspects of...

Sirius Web 2024.9

We are excited to announce the release of Sirius Web 2024.9, bringing several new features and improvements to enhance the user experience. Below are the key updates included in this release, you can find the complete list of bug fixes and improvements in the changelog on Github . Laying the foundation of Tree Representation A major focus for this release is the introduction of the Tree Representa...

Obeo Supports the Sydney Interplanetary Rover Initiative

The Sydney Interplanetary Rover Initiative (SIRI) is a student collective from the University of Sydney, building the next generation of lunar and mars rover. To design their rover prototype while learning model-based systems engineering, the students are using model-based systems engineering (MBSE) through the open-source Capella tool  and the Arcadia method. Currently consisting of 75 members, w...

Sirius Web 2024.7

On behalf of the team and everyone who has contributed, we are happy to announce that Sirius Web 2024.7.0 has been released and is now available. You can find the complete list of bug fixes and improvements in the changelog on Github . Here are some of the latest features integrated into Sirius Web.   Add support for " For " construct in the operations DSL We can now create multiple objects with a...

Eco-design of Complex Systems: The Importance of Integrating LCA and Systems Engineering

On June 5th and 6th, the festival Et Demain?  (And Tomorrow?) took place in Nantes, where I had the great pleasure and honor to participate. This festival, organized by La Cantine Numérique  in Nantes (known for the famous Web2Day ), aimed to be an event for " professionals looking to evolve their practices, their professions, their ways of communicating, and working to shape a sustainable future....

Sirius Web 2024.5

On behalf of the team and everyone who has contributed, we are happy to announce that Sirius Web 2024.5.0 has been released and is now available. You can find the complete list of bug fixes and improvements in the changelog on Github . Here are some of the latest features integrated in Sirius Web.   Diagrams   We switched to a new (frontend) implementation of our diagrams based on React Flow in 20...