Sirius Web 2024.5

On behalf of the team and everyone who has contributed, we are happy to announce that Sirius Web 2024.5.0 has been released and is now available. You can find the complete list of bug fixes and improvements in the changelog on Github . Here are some of the latest features integrated in Sirius Web.   Diagrams   We switched to a new (frontend) implementation of our diagrams based on React Flow in 20...

Sirius Web 2023.3

Right on schedule, Eclipse Sirius Web 2023.3.0 is now available. You can get it from GitHub and build/deploy it yourself. Here are the highlights of this version. You can find more details, including more technical-oriented changes in the complete changelog . Project Templates We have improved the user experience with a redesigned Projects Browser. It now offers support for project templates to cr...

Using Java Services in Sirius Modelers

When creating your own graphical modeler using Eclipse Sirius Desktop , you need to tell Sirius: how to interpret your domain models so they can be displayed, and how your domain elements must be modified when the end-user invokes edition tools (e.g. direct edit, element creation or deletion, etc.). This is done using a combination of interpreted expressions (in general using AQL ) and model opera...

What’s Coming in Sirius 6.0?

The next major version of Sirius , version 6.0, will be released on June 27, 2018 as part of the Eclipse Photon Simultaneous Release, with a corresponding version of Obeo Designer Community Edition soon after. Many of the new features for this release are already available for testing in milestone versions, and now is the right time to test them and give us feedback: there’s still time to make adj...

Sirius Community Survey 2017 Results

In general, users of Open Source projects like Sirius tend to only interact with the project when they have problems, or once in a while to thank us (which is always greatly appreciated!). It can be difficult to find out who is using the project, how they use it, and what they would like to see in future versions. Last October (during SiriusCon 2017), we released the first ever Sirius Community Su...