Integrating MBSE and Life Cycle Assessment for removing plastics from the oceans

More than 8 million tons of plastic are dumped in the oceans every year. If we don’t take action, in 2050, there will be more plastic than fishes in the oceans! Plastic wastes, by taking between 450 and 500 years to be eliminated “naturally”, kill 1 million birds, and 100 000 marine mammals each year. Moreover, during this very very long period it will progressively be decomposed into increasingly...

Modeling a Medical Device with Capella, by Siemens

On the 12th of October, we will have the pleasure of welcoming Tony Komar to Capella Days 2020 .  Tony has been practicing and supporting systems engineering for over 35 years. He is now a key contributor to the development and deployment of Model Based System Engineering (MBSE) products for Siemens Digital Industries Software , in particular System Modeling Workbench for Teamcenter , an integrate...

CNES Experimenting Capella on a High-Mass Stellar Explosions Detection System

On the 12th of Octobe 2020r, we will have the pleasure of welcoming Jonathan Lasalle to Capella Days 2020 .  Jonathan is in charge of MBSE-related activities at Artal / Magellium , a company deeply involved in the improvement of engineering processes and practices mainly in avionics and space industries. His daily job mainly consists in guiding engineers through the introduction and the propagatio...

Functional System Requirements for Automatic Train Operation – Trackside unit, by NEXTRAIL

On the 14th of October, we will have the pleasure of welcoming Harish Narayanan to Capella Days Online 2020 . He will present how he has been using Eclipse Capella to develop model-based functional requirement specifications for a railway system. Harish is working for NEXTRAIL , a German signalling consulting company which advises operators and manufacturers on railway systems, from conception to ...

SiriusCon 2020: Model-Based Safety Analysis and Integration with Capella

On the 18th of June, we will have the pleasure of welcoming Marc Zeller to SiriusCon Live 2020 . Marc is an expert in Model-Based Safety at Siemens Corporate Technology. He will present how he used Eclipse Sirius to extend the MBSE Capella workbench to support Safety Analysis. Marc Zeller is working on safety-critical systems, this kind of systems where a failure or malfunction may result from los...

The Rising Adoption of Capella

Witnessing an OSS technology getting together with a wide group of users is something I find exhilarating, I have experienced it with Acceleo, EMF Compare and Eclipse Sirius along the years, each time in different contexts and at different scales but discovering what is being done by others with a technology is always a source of excitement to me. Capella was contributed by Thales to the Eclipse c...

Capella Day Munich 2019: - Everything you always wanted to know about Arcadia and Capella, the open MBSE tool

The third edition of the Capella Day conference is approaching fast! This year it will take place in the beautiful city of Munich (München for our German friends), on September 16th (see ). Interested in MBSE? Once again this year, Capella Day will be the opportunity to discover Capella and Arcadia if you’re new to them, but also to get in touch with the experts and he...