Sirius Web 2024.1

We are glad to announce that Sirius Web 2024.1.0 has been released! As always, the full list of fixes, improvements and new features is available in the changelog . In this blog post, I will present some of the new features introduced by this new release.   Diagram Rendering Powered by React Flow! Initiating the transition in the closing month of 2023, we're thrilled to share a significant upgrade...

Industrializing a Capella Add-on for Rolls-Royce

Safety Viewpoint development Rolls-Royce develops and delivers complex power and propulsion solutions for safety-critical applications in the air, at sea and on land, including the world’s most efficient large aero-engine, the Trent XWB. The global Rolls-Royce team is pushing innovation like never before. The UltraFan™ is a new generation of engine to power short-haul and long-haul aircraft. The U...

Obeo était au DevFest Toulouse 2023

Cette année, après 4 ans d’absence, c’était le retour du DevFest Toulouse . Obeo a profité de l’occasion pour être sponsor de l’évènement. On peut dire que c’est un succès avec plus de 750 participants. Bravo aux organisateurs ! Après avoir fait le DevFest Nantes, j’ai donc profité de l’occasion pour rendre visite à mes collègues Toulousains et participer à l’évènement. Si je mets de côté le détai...

Le DevFest Nantes 2023, on y était!

Le 19 et 20 octobre 2023 a eu lieu, à la Cité des Congrès de Nantes, la 11ème édition du DevFest Nantes 2023. C’est un événement rassemblant des développeurs passionnés pour réfléchir aux futures technologies, partager et échanger autour des technologies du Web, du Cloud, du BigData, du Mobile et des Objets Connectés. Le DevFest Nantes en quelques chiffres :  2300 visiteurs par jour 100 speakers p...

Obeo at EclipseCon 2023

EclipseCon is the leading conference for developers, architects, and open source business leaders to learn about Eclipse technologies, share best practices, and more. Obeo was as usual one of the sponsors and presented several talks during this event. For my part, I presented “Let's Practice Sirius Web: Building Web-based Modeling Tools” with my co-workers Mélanie Bats and Pierre-Charles David.   ...

Sirius Web 2023.8

The Sirius Web team consistently works on new iterations. In this blog post, we'll delve into the exciting new features of the  2023.8  release, before taking a closer look at 2023.10 in an upcoming post.   Reference widgets Sirius Web 2023.8 came with a brand-new widget for Form representations: the reference widget that allows the edition of both mono-valued and multi-valued references. The foll...

(Sirius + Papyrus) × Web: a new Era for Collaborative Engineering tools

I am excited to announce our collaboration with CEA-List towards a new era of open-source model-based solutions! We’ve embarked on three joint and complementary initiatives: Papyrus adopting Sirius, developing Web Editors for Papyrus alongside the Sirius Web platform, beginning the implementation of a Web-based version of the forthcoming systems engineering standard SysML v2 through a project with...