Modeling a Medical Device with Capella, by Siemens

On the 12th of October, we will have the pleasure of welcoming Tony Komar to Capella Days 2020

Tony has been practicing and supporting systems engineering for over 35 years. He is now a key contributor to the development and deployment of Model Based System Engineering (MBSE) products for Siemens Digital Industries Software, in particular System Modeling Workbench for Teamcenter, an integrated MBSE tool based on Eclipse Capella for improving multi-domain product development.

In his talk Tony will present how this Capella-based tool can enhance both the problem definition and domain definition of innovative products. He will illustrate his presentation with a ventilator.

The project on which Tony is involved consists in providing a cross-platform dataset for helping in the development of new ventilators. Based on the dataset of an open source ventilator from Medtronic (PB560), Siemens is creating an integrated cross-functional dataset including systems engineering, simulation, electrical design, mechanical design and performance simulation.

Medtronic PB560 ventilator

For the Systems Engineering part, a model of the existing ventilator has been developed with Capella. This model includes an Operational Model for capturing the functional and non functional needs, a System Model to formalize the system functions and interactions with the environment, a Logical Model to decompose the system, and a Physical Model to describe the final components architecture. All these model elements are associated with requirements coming from the requirements management system.

Operational Analysis


Physical Architecture

Tony will explain how this architecture retro-designed with Capella enhances the understanding of the problem, and how that understanding can lead to an innovative solution. For example, the model can be used to simulate the system in specific operational situations to detect limitations. It can also be used to redesign some parts of the system for enhancements or for supporting new requirements.

Registration for Capella Days is free. So, don’t miss this event!

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