
A small post to announce that I will be speaking at CheConf18, a one day conference dedicated to Eclipse Che an extensible cloud development platform. I am really excited to participate to this event! I will co speak with Stevan Le Meur, Che maintainer from RedHat about Building Extensibility and Community for Che. During our session, you’ll get a preview of the work we prototyped at Obeo to bring the modeling stack to the web and what class of tools one can envision.

Perhaps you hadn’t hear about CheConf so far ? No problem: it’s not too late to participate. Indeed, there’s no need to negotiate with your boss, no need to book a flight and an hotel: this conference happens entirely online and is free!

You just need to subscribe on the web site, and you’ll be able to join the conference when you want. Have a look at the great schedule. And do not forget our session Wednesday February 21, 2018 17:30-18:00 Paris Time or wherever you are in the world!

Stay tuned!

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