Sirius Web 2023.6

Discover the latest version of Eclipse Sirius Web 2023.6.0, freshly released and ready to be explored. Most of the new features concern forms, but you can find all the changes in the changelog .   Filter tree-based representations We’ve added a new feature to filter tree items in the explorer view. It could be useful to retrieve an element in large models. To do this, you just have to use the shor...

Sirius Web 2023.4

I am glad to announce that Eclipse Sirius Web 2023.4.0 is now available. This release primarily adds new features for studio makers. Enhanced Palette Tools for Diagrams We have introduced the Palette concept in the diagram description. A Palette contains all the tools available for a Diagram, Node, or Edge. In previous versions, the tools were defined just under the related object, scattered among...

Sirius Web 2023.3

Right on schedule, Eclipse Sirius Web 2023.3.0 is now available. You can get it from GitHub and build/deploy it yourself. Here are the highlights of this version. You can find more details, including more technical-oriented changes in the complete changelog . Project Templates We have improved the user experience with a redesigned Projects Browser. It now offers support for project templates to cr...

Langium + Sirius Web = heart

Some very well known languages propose a graphical and a textual representation, this is notably the case of two modeling languages: UML and SysML v2. In order for Eclipse Sirius Web to adapt to the needs of any modeler, it is important that it can be used to express a model in this way. In 2017, we published with TypeFox a white paper about how a textual representation can be combined with a grap...