A small glimpse of EclipseCon EU (4/4): Moving Sirius into the cloud

Sirius 6.1 should be released (along with a corresponding Obeo Designer CE ) right before EclipseCon Europe 2018 . This version is mostly about stabilisation of previous work with some nice new features as an extra bonus! We couldn't resist in sharing what's new before ECon EU. Discover them in this series of posts (see also part 1 , part 2  and part 3 ), and come see us at EclipseCon to learn abo...

Vidéo Obeo SmartEA 4.0

A l’occasion de la sortie de SmartEA 4.0, j’ai enregistré une vidéo qui montre les principales fonctionnalités de cette solution de cartographie d’entreprise. Basée sur notre modèle d’exemple Voyages Discount, la vidéo aborde quatre aspects majeurs de la solution : 00:38 : un client web pour communiquer sur l'organisation de l'entreprise 05:12 : un outil de travail collaboratif pour cartographier ...

Handling events in React

Now that have seen how to create stateless and stateful React components , we are going to see how to handle DOM events with a class-based component. You can handle events with React in a similar fashion as with DOM elements with some minor differences. With JSX, you will have to use properties using the camel-case version of the name of the event that you want to handle. On top of that, you won’t...

First React component

After a first part where we have seen how to get move from vanilla JavaScript to React, let’s see how we can create real React components. In order to introduce some dynamicity in our React code, we would like to execute functions to compute some JSX instead of relying only on static JSX code. We are lucky since React.createElement can take not only the name of a standard element (like div or h1 )...

From Vanilla JavaScript to React

React is a JavaScript framework used to build user interfaces. It can be used to create JavaScript applications by manipulating dynamically the content of the page. The browser already provides an API to create elements in the page, the DOM, so newcomers may wonder what does React bring to the table and how it relates to the DOM. Vanilla JavaScript and the DOM In JavaScript, just like in most prog...

Sirius 6

Eclipse Sirius is a framework to easily and quickly create a graphical modeling workbench dedicated to your domain specific language. This year at Obeo , we started working on two aspects: prepare the future of Sirius & provide new features for the upcoming 6.0 release which is part of the Photon release train. Ready for Photon? Sirius 6.0 is there for you! We have added several new features: ...

React Europe 2018

Last week, I was lucky enough to attend React Europe 2018 in Paris, France. Since we are using React at Obeo to build some of our applications, it was the perfect opportunity to learn more from the community and now that this edition of React Europe is in the rear-view mirror, it’s time to look back on some of its key moments. Day One React Europe 2018 kicked off with a keynote from Ken Wheeler on...