I’m deeply honored of being part of the program committee again for EclipseCon Europe 2017.
Each year I’m amazed at this conference, it was one of the first Eclipse event I attend and since then it has always had a strong friendly vibe to it.
In the last few years it evolved into the main international event for the Eclipse community, attending it should be a no brainer.
This conference is great because of the content and the people, help us select good content by submitting it! By my count we already have more than 170 submissions and the usual last minute flood might start any minute from now.
In the next few hours the call for papers will be closed: now is a good time to hit that submit button. Small is beautiful: submit abstracts which are “to the point” are giving clear insight into what content and structure you are proposing. No need for 400 words of context, stick to what makes your submission relevant to EclipseCon and interesting to share.
submit your talk now ! and see you there!