EcoreTools: user experience revamped thanks to Sirius 5.0

Every year the Eclipse M7 milestone act as a very strong deadline for the projects which are part of the release train: it’s then time for polishing and refining! When your company is responsible for a number of inter-dependent projects some of them core technologies like EMF Services , the GMF Runtime, others user facing tools like Acceleo , Sirius or EcoreTools , packaging and integration orient...

Graphical Modeling from 2016 to 2017: Better, Faster, Stronger

At Obeo, we believe that modeling is the right way to help IT and industry engineers collaborate efficiently on the design of their smart products. Our innovative approach consists of building specific modeling tools that completely suit users’ business domains. Modeling is a means to an end: by using modeling technologies we make sure that such a tool can be defined faster, as well as deployed an...


That’s too sad!  EclipseCon Europe  finished yesterday. It was again a great conference, with inspiring talks and excellent discussions with different members of the Eclipse community. These moments with our community are motivating us to prepare the future of Eclipse Sirius . So what’s next? What would we cook for you in Eclipse Oxygen? As we already said in our talk, we are already preparing the...


Wednesday will be a huge day for Obeo at EclipseCon Europe 2016 . You will find several talks about Eclipse Sirius in the program, and one thing for you, you have to attend our talk about Sirius 4.1: Let Me Sirius That For You! As usual when I have to give a talk I am a little frightened but in fact I love this feeling which pushes me to do my best :) Our slides are ready, our demo is exciting, no...


What feeling do you never want to encounter in life? For me it’s Disgust! Nevertheless, I encounter it sometimes, in very special cases… for example when as a Java developer I have to work with the reflection API to fix some unthinkable problem. As the team behind Sirius, what matters most to us is to be sure that our final users never feel this about our product. That’s why in each release we wor...


This week I am participating to EclipseCon Europe to present what’s new in Eclipse Sirius 4.1. What I feel like on monday morning: Joy! On Monday evening I’ll be in Ludwigsburg for EclipseCon! This one is little special as it will be my first one as an official Sirius committer. I am really happy to introduce you to the new features of the 4.1 release, especially what we did to improve the specifi...

Sirius 4.1

When I was a child one of my favorite game was Puzzle Bobble , you may remember these two little dragons Bub and Bob. What I loved in this game : simple rules, easy to play and so very addictive . This is exactly what I feel when I think about the new Properties View feature in Eclipse Sirius : The rules are really simple as it is the same as the ones existing for the other Sirius representations ...