Le monde entier dépend d'une société qui utilise la technologie Obeo

Le saviez-vous ? Le monde entier dépend d’une seule société. Et celle-ci utilise des technologies développées par Obeo. Cette société est ASML , la seule au monde à maîtriser la technologie d’impression des circuits électroniques miniatures. Ceux qui équipent la plupart de nos équipements modernes : téléphones, voitures, datacenters, etc. ASML fournit tous les plus grands fournisseurs de semi-cond...

The whole world depends on a company that uses Obeo technology

Did you know? The whole world depends on one company. And it uses technologies developed by Obeo. This company is ASML , the only one in the world to master the technology of printing miniature electronic circuits. Those that equip most of our modern equipment: telephones, cars, data centers, etc. ASML supplies all the major semiconductor suppliers in the world, starting with Samsung and Intel. Ea...

Sirius Web 101: Create a Modeler With No Code

Last June, during SiriusCon 2022, I presented a talk to explain the basics of Sirius Web . My objective was to show what kind of graphical modeling tool you can create with Sirius Web, without writing a single line of code. Unlike a diagramming tool that only allows users to create drawings, a modeling tool also manages the data that is graphically represented, ensuring a bi-directional correspond...

Enhance your Sirius Diagrams with Custom Images

When creating a model with the Sirius Diagram Editor, the style of the diagram elements can be modified according to the user's requirements: the elements can be resized, the color can be changed and images can be used to represent the elements.   The user experience has been improved with Sirius 7.0.0 to use images in diagrams. This new feature is available through the “Set style to Workspace Ima...

Using Java Services in Sirius Modelers

When creating your own graphical modeler using Eclipse Sirius Desktop , you need to tell Sirius: how to interpret your domain models so they can be displayed, and how your domain elements must be modified when the end-user invokes edition tools (e.g. direct edit, element creation or deletion, etc.). This is done using a combination of interpreted expressions (in general using AQL ) and model opera...

Meet Sirius in the browser

This post is for you if you want to build web-based graphical modeling tools. Eclipse Sirius is an open-source project to create domain-specific modeling workbenches. At this point, if you are not aware of “modeling and domain-specific blablabla”, you might wonder “ What does it mean and why should I care? ”. Give semantics to your drawing… That is simple, you have data (and I am pretty sure you h...

Happy New 2022.01.0!

I know… I am late for a happy new year but I am not for a Happy New 2022.01.0 ! I’m in a dancing mood while I’m writing this… (and poor you) an idea comes to my mind: “ Why not associate a song to each new feature? ” It could be funny and it’ll result in a (terrible) soundtrack to play with this new version. Follow me for a musical ride through the new Sirius Web and OCP features! Calendar version...