Sirius Web 2023.4

I am glad to announce that Eclipse Sirius Web 2023.4.0 is now available. This release primarily adds new features for studio makers. Enhanced Palette Tools for Diagrams We have introduced the Palette concept in the diagram description. A Palette contains all the tools available for a Diagram, Node, or Edge. In previous versions, the tools were defined just under the related object, scattered among...

Sirius Web 2023.3

Right on schedule, Eclipse Sirius Web 2023.3.0 is now available. You can get it from GitHub and build/deploy it yourself. Here are the highlights of this version. You can find more details, including more technical-oriented changes in the complete changelog . Project Templates We have improved the user experience with a redesigned Projects Browser. It now offers support for project templates to cr...

Do you know Ecore? Looking for a reference card?

“ Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler ” probably was one of the mantra the Eclipse Modeling Framework team (Ed Merks, Marcelo Paternostro, Dave Steinberg among others…) sticked to when they created the core concepts which would allow the definition of all the others tools. Ecore is a kernel, you define your domain-specific model using these constructs. It boils down to...

Using Sirius Web to develop a VSCode extension for an existing DSL

I had the pleasure to participate to EclipseCon 2022 last October, near Stuttgart in Germany. It was a great conference and the opportunity to meet with the Eclipse community. I was there with several other members of the Obeo team to share our work on Sirius Web . I had the chance to be part of the program, with Benoît Lelandais from the CEA DAM (Military Applications Division of the French Nucle...

Langium + Sirius Web = heart

Some very well known languages propose a graphical and a textual representation, this is notably the case of two modeling languages: UML and SysML v2. In order for Eclipse Sirius Web to adapt to the needs of any modeler, it is important that it can be used to express a model in this way. In 2017, we published with TypeFox a white paper about how a textual representation can be combined with a grap...

Le monde entier dépend d'une société qui utilise la technologie Obeo

Le saviez-vous ? Le monde entier dépend d’une seule société. Et celle-ci utilise des technologies développées par Obeo. Cette société est ASML , la seule au monde à maîtriser la technologie d’impression des circuits électroniques miniatures. Ceux qui équipent la plupart de nos équipements modernes : téléphones, voitures, datacenters, etc. ASML fournit tous les plus grands fournisseurs de semi-cond...

The whole world depends on a company that uses Obeo technology

Did you know? The whole world depends on one company. And it uses technologies developed by Obeo. This company is ASML , the only one in the world to master the technology of printing miniature electronic circuits. Those that equip most of our modern equipment: telephones, cars, data centers, etc. ASML supplies all the major semiconductor suppliers in the world, starting with Samsung and Intel. Ea...