
This week I am participating to EclipseCon Europe to present what’s new in Eclipse Sirius 4.1. What I feel like on monday morning: Joy! On Monday evening I’ll be in Ludwigsburg for EclipseCon! This one is little special as it will be my first one as an official Sirius committer. I am really happy to introduce you to the new features of the 4.1 release, especially what we did to improve the specifi...

Sirius 4.1

When I was a child one of my favorite game was Puzzle Bobble , you may remember these two little dragons Bub and Bob. What I loved in this game : simple rules, easy to play and so very addictive . This is exactly what I feel when I think about the new Properties View feature in Eclipse Sirius : The rules are really simple as it is the same as the ones existing for the other Sirius representations ...

⦏Breaking News Eclipse Sirius⦎ SiriusCon 2016 is coming!

The team is not only polishing Sirius 4.1.0 which is planned for the end of September, but also preparing for the ultimate event for the Sirius community aka SiriusCon ! We organized the first edition last year with the help of the Eclipse Fundation: a one-day free event with two tracks filled with highly specialized talks and sessions dedicated to discovery. It looks like we stroke a right balanc...

UML Designer 7.0

UML Designer 7.0 is out. This new release is based on Eclipse  Sirius 4.0  and Eclipse  Neon . It provides plenty of brand new features: Bi-directional link with editor ( #523 ) New dashboard based on the Activity Explorer from Amalgam ( #827 ) Class diagram: represent abstract element in italic ( #758 ) represent static element underlined ( #363 ) view the qualified name of a class in the tooltip...

Psst, psst, you might want to submit right now for EclipseCon Europe!

Cédric Brun Build open-source technologies to enable mission critical tools for complex domains. Europeans have been slightly busy lately but now that the tournament is over no doubt many people will focus on the next big event in Europe: EclipseCon! The call for paper is closing in exactly one week (Monday, 18th) so don’t procrastinate, especially when you are French and are planning to take the ...

Ecore.ecore using EcoreTools

A few weeks ago I ended up on the following thread on the EMF Forum asking for Ecore meta-model formal documentation? . Ed pointed at some documentation which includes diagrams done with great care but done with tools from another era. As the maintainer of EcoreTools I had to do something about it, and so I did: All participants in the Ecore Modeling Framework implement the EObject's interface Tad...

Metamodel (Ecore) Design Checklist

Cédric Brun Build open-source technologies to enable mission critical tools for complex domains. This is an index page for the Metamodel (Ecore) Design Checklist serie, a condensed version listing all the rules of the article ( part1 and part2 ) for your convenience. I compiled the following checklist based on my personal experience, this is not exhaustive and I expect it to live and get richer ov...