Metamodel (Ecore) Design Checklist - part 2

This article is the second part of a series focusing on metamodel design (more especially Ecore models). Following the first part focused on some ground rules this second part is focused on slightly more technical aspects: scalability and Java. The general disclaimer still applies: Most of the checks stated here are very easy to comply with when considered from the start but might not be that chea...

Metamodel (Ecore) Design Checklist - part 1

Be meticulous with the model describing your domain! So many aspects of your tool will trickle down from your Ecore model that it pays a lot to pause for a bit and do some basic sanity checks. The Ecore model in the center is the basis for so many things! Eclipse Modeling technologies are enabling you to build graphical, tree or textual editors, connectors to import or export data, code generators...

Eclipse Modeling Package Neon M6 is ready for testing

The teams have been working hard and pushed many changes. I’ve been tweeting those as they went but I figured that compiling a list into a blogpost could be useful. Here are some noteworthy, this is not an exhaustive list and please if you think I missed something, reach to me on the mattermost instance before M7. Modeling Amalgam Thales contributed in Amalgam the building blocks to create views s...

Executing, Debugging and Animating your model

Cédric Brun Build open-source technologies to enable mission critical tools for complex domains. As the Gemoc project is close to completion and as the question of animating the domain specific model with Sirius was asked to me quite frequently in the last few events I attended to, Benoit and I wrote a small article about model debugging (even featuring a short video). Check it out on the Gemoc we...

Obeo Turns 10

Obeo celebrated its 10th birthday a few days ago. If you rank numbers by their symbolic power the number 10 is probably pretty high on the list. It should at the very least makes you look back to what you achieved. In our case it also made us re-design our logo. Brand new logo for Obeo ! Oh, what a ride it has been so far. I actually had my first day of work at Obeo on the 1st of February 2006. Fr...

EclipseCon Europe 2015 is over but SiriusCon is coming!

EclipseCon Europe 2015 is over now. This conference is the one in which the “Eclipse Family” feeling is the most inescapable. The downside of this is that one might experience a slight melancholy when the conference is over. This tweet from Alexandra reflects quite well the mood This was a busy and exhausting week – especially for those like me who just landed on the old continent from the bay are...

AQL - a new interpreter for Sirius

TL;DR: we’ve been working on a new query interpreter for Sirius which is small, simple, fast, extensible and bring richer validation. It’s been released for early adopters with Sirius 3.0 but will be the recommended interpreter for Sirius 3.1 in October. The MTL interpreter ([/]) will be deprecated at some point, this moment depending on how fast the community adopts the new aql: interpreter. Back...