⦏Breaking News Eclipse Sirius⦎ SiriusCon 2017!

SiriusCon 2017 has never been so close! The third edition of this conference will take place this Thursday, the 9th of November in the beautiful Paris! A whole day of exclusive content: presentations with a specific focus on Eclipse Sirius itself, others about companion technologies and feedback from users who used these technologies to build their custom tools! This year these tools are covering ...

Eclipse Modeling Guided Tour at ECE

Industries are relying either on ad hoc or rigid tools for systems engineering. Either the tool is built “in-house” and grow organically or it is bought to one of the big software vendors and then the company have to adapt its practices and teams to use it. Such software vendors might use every opportunity to lock in their users, in both cases the tool longevity is quite uncertain. In the last 11 ...

Zero to CTO

Disclaimer: First, you should know that I am a girl born in the 80’s and so I grew up watching (and watching and re-watching…) Disney’s movies, and I am still used to watch them when new ones are released. So I am sorry for you: no doubt, at the end of this article you will have many annoying songs running in your head. But all those girls made what I am today and it is only justice to them to ear...

Zero to CTO

Disclaimer: First, you should know that I am a girl born in the 80’s and so I grew up watching (and watching and re-watching…) Disney’s movies, and I am still used to watch them when new ones are released. So I am sorry for you: no doubt, at the end of this article you will have many annoying songs running in your head. But all those girls made what I am today and it is only justice to them to ear...

North America, here we come!

Industries are relying either on ad hoc or rigid tools for systems engineering. Either the tool is built “in-house” and grow organically or it is bought to one of the big software vendors and then the company have to adapt its practices and teams to use it. Such software vendors might use every opportunity to lock in their users, in both cases the tool longevity is quite uncertain. In the last 11 ...

You only have a few more hours to submit to EclipseCon Europe!

I’m deeply honored of being part of the program committee again for EclipseCon Europe 2017. Each year I’m amazed at this conference, it was one of the first Eclipse event I attend and since then it has always had a strong friendly vibe to it. In the last few years it evolved into the main international event for the Eclipse community, attending it should be a no brainer. This conference is great b...

EcoreTools: user experience revamped thanks to Sirius 5.0

Every year the Eclipse M7 milestone act as a very strong deadline for the projects which are part of the release train: it’s then time for polishing and refining! When your company is responsible for a number of inter-dependent projects some of them core technologies like EMF Services , the GMF Runtime, others user facing tools like Acceleo , Sirius or EcoreTools , packaging and integration orient...