Getting started with GraphQL

REST has served us well for more than a decade as the de facto architectural style for our HTTP APIs but it is starting to show its age. It may still be relevant if you are not only the provider but also the (sole?) consumer of your API. In such situation, you can use pretty much anything you want since you know what you have on the back-end and what you want for the front-end. REST can be nice fo...

Mindstorms Robot Tutorial is now online

After being presented for two years in many conferences and schools, the Sirius tutorial based on the Mindstorms Robot case-study has been made publicly available on the Sirius wiki . This tutorial explains how to use Eclipse Sirius to create a graphical editor for piloting a Mindstorms Robot.  The graphical editor allows to describe a sequence of instructions (going forward, rotating, grabing or ...

Sirius 6

Eclipse Sirius is a framework to easily and quickly create a graphical modeling workbench dedicated to your domain specific language. This year at Obeo , we started working on two aspects: prepare the future of Sirius & provide new features for the upcoming 6.0 release which is part of the Photon release train. Ready for Photon? Sirius 6.0 is there for you! We have added several new features: ...

Sirius 6

Eclipse Sirius is a framework to easily and quickly create a graphical modeling workbench dedicated to your domain specific language. This year at Obeo , we started working on two aspects: prepare the future of Sirius & provide new features for the upcoming 6.0 release which is part of the Photon release train. Ready for Photon? Sirius 6.0 is there for you! We have added several new features: ...

Un outil pour maintenir à jour vos registres de traitements RGPD

  . Depuis des mois que l’on en parle, finalement nous y sommes : au cas où vous l'auriez manqué, le RGPD est en vigueur depuis le 25 mai. Que vous ayez réussi à vous mettre en conformité à temps ou que vous soyez encore en cours (ou même si vous n’avez pas encore commencé à vous pencher sur le sujet), une question importante se pose : comment maintenir dans la durée les registres des traitements ...

Siemens partnering with Obeo on Model Based Systems Engineering solution - a major recognition for OSS Modeling Techs

You might have already heard the news, earlier this week during Siemens PLM Connection Americas 2018 , Joe Bohman announced that Siemens PLM was partnering with Obeo. Here is the complete press release for more detail but in short: we are working with Siemens with either standard modeling languages, Capella, SysML or tools to support custom process methodologies in order to contribute to the true ...

Siemens partnering with Obeo on Model Based Systems Engineering solution - a major recognition for OSS Modeling Techs

You might have already heard the news, earlier this week during Siemens PLM Connection Americas 2018 , Joe Bohman announced that Siemens PLM was partnering with Obeo. Here is the complete press release for more detail but in short: we are working with Siemens with either standard modeling languages, Capella, SysML or tools to support custom process methodologies in order to contribute to the true ...